Bale is a collaborative, living annotated bibliography and a collective gathering of resources in narrative and storywork. This project is open-access, and we encourage a wide range of users from students to scholars to folks simply interested in these topics. Please use the search options on your right or the Read and Respond link in the main menu to see what our community is developing.
You are invited to join as a contributor, respondent, or category facilitator. Through these roles, you can create annotations, add to discourse around them, and help organize them into useful groups and networks. These efforts will result in an expansive map of narrative and storywork resources. In support of WAC’s mission to provide barrier-free access to scholarly work, Bale strives to “encourage greater representation across cultures, backgrounds, and viewpoints” and “foster transparency and openness throughout the publishing cycle” by facilitating broad participation in the organizing and knowledge-building of the project (see the WAC Clearinghouse Statement on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice).
Bale draws from the innovative digital work showcased by digital spaces and publications such as the Clearinghouse's CompPile database. As it continues to grow, Bale endeavors to map potentially thousands of resources relevant to the use of story, storytelling, and narrative in the breadth of academic work. See our About pages to learn more.
Featured Category
Resources and scholarship by Indigenous authors written for sharing broadly with writers, teachers, and researchers interested in learning more and perhaps applying these methods in their own activities. Sources found here can be used by people of many different cultures and backgrounds, but always must be considered deeply, with respect, reciprocity, and relational accountability.
Most Recently Updated Category
While its primary focus is on writing and rhetoric pedagogy, this category takes a broad approach to applying narrative in any pedagogical stage and context. Sources in this category consider how storytelling can be incorporated into assignments, used as a classroom activity, used as a reflective tool for instructors, and more. Some sources also consider narrative's implications for marginalized students as well as justice-centered pedagogy.
Featured Facilitator
Caylie Cox
We welcome you to read our brief outline of roles, to learn more about how to begin contributing to Bale, and to share our invitation and calls for participation with anyone you think may be interested.
The project is grounded in anti-racist practices and extends the breadth of writing studies scholarship in innovative ways. Learn more about how to contribute to Bale, and read our calls for participation.
Bale originated as a community-centric project and, true to that intent, its design and development have been a collaborative effort. The editorial team wants to particularly thank the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition for offering the pod program that brought us together in September 2021. Mudiwa Pettus was instrumental in facilitating that program, and particularly in the depths of the pandemic, it served as a wonderful source of community. At the WAC Clearinghouse, Mike Palmquist has been an exceptional guide in making this project a reality. Thank you, Mike, for your expert coding skills, for your generous willingness to make our vision a reality, and for your overall support and enthusiasm.
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